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Ayurvedic remedies for Sunburn

Ayurvedic Treatment for Sunburn: 6 Natural Remedies

People with pitta type body are more vulnerable to sunburn. Exposing to sun rays can increase the pitta present in the skin. This, on the other hand, reduces the Rasa Dhatu from the skin. This causes sunburn. Rasa dhatu is the nourishing fluid which gives colour, complexion and glows to the skin. Sudden decrement to this fluid could cause severe inflammation to the skin. Along with this, Vata will also get provoked, making the skin dull, dry and dehydrated. If not treated, this could form pigments on the skin and form dark patches.

Yoga Poses Students reduce Exam Stress

Yoga for Exam Stress: 5 Poses to Help You Relax and Focus

Exam season is the most stressful time for students, where there is never ending revisions, sleepless nights, sore eyes and high mental stress. Even if there is an effective plan, projected time, and blissful ambiance, one may feel blank inside out. This is because of stress, anxiety, poor concentration, memory loss etc. Such elements do a lot of harm to both the physical and mental health of a student. According to Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation can eliminate these problems.