
ayurvedic home remedies for cold and cough in babies - ayurvalley

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Babies

Children tend to catch common colds and cough quite often. Treating minor infections like the common cold in babies can sometimes turn out to be a little tricky. Many doctors advise mothers to avoid using antibiotics on babies and toddlers unless it is indispensable. In fact, it is hugely unwise to administer antibiotics on babies …

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Ayurvedic Dental Care Tips for Healthy and White Teeth

How important is dental health for you? Many people tend to ignore the importance of oral hygiene. Maintaining a set of healthy teeth is not just a matter of increasing beauty. Often, people spent a good amount of their fortune on dental procedures, only to enhance their appearance. But, it’s essential to know the link …

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Anti-inflammatory Foods: 7 Super Foods to Reduce Inflammation

Say you are someone who eats processed and refined food, this type of food contains substances that your body doesn’t know what to do with. So your body reacts to the substances from these foods and over time this leads to a general state of inflammation in your whole body. However, there are some medically proven measures you can take to prevent or reduce inflammation like the anti-inflammatory diet. It is proven that adding certain foods to your diet can minimise the symptoms of chronic inflammatory diseases.


Natural Remedies for Hangover: 6 Effective Ways to Feel Better

The only sure cure to get rid of a hangover is time. The time that you can spend rehydrating, eating, sleeping and making better choices. The best way to prevent a hangover is to avoid alcohol altogether or to drink it in moderation. If you do find yourself suffering from a hangover, consuming some of the foods or beverages on this list can have you back to normal in no time.


Yoga for Lungs – 4 Best and Easy Poses for Healthy Lungs

Breathing in yoga takes high priority. According to yoga, breath or ‘prana’ is the life force or the primary energy of life. It is the basic life force that controls our life. It is said to be the master form of all energy at every level of being. The breathing exercises in yoga can strengthen our life energy and our health. Practicing yoga can be one of the best ways to keep your lungs and body healthy.

Ayurvedic Diet to follow during Rainy Season

Ayurvedic Diet for Rainy Season: 6 Tips To Stay Healthy and Avoid Illness

Ayurveda talks about a lifestyle that is in line with the environment and weather conditions, including different types of daily diet tips and recipes. In Ayurveda, ‘Ritucharya’ (‘Ritu’ meaning ‘season’, and ‘Charya’ meaning ‘regimen’) is an important practice, which is based upon lifestyles and diet routines in line with the physical as well as mental changes as per seasonal differences.